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SHUTL イベント時のご鑑賞に伴う注意事項のご案内

English below













Notes on attending SHUTL events

We greatly appreciate your ongoing patronage.
SHUTL is a type of art space that permanently houses the capsules of the Nakagin Capsule Tower Building.
SHUTL is open only during art exhibitions and special events.
We would greatly appreciate your cooperation in respecting the following notes so that we can provide a truly exceptional viewing experience.

Following Notes
・Please avoid hitting or shaking the capsules or exhibited works, or any other.
・Please avoid occupying the capsules for long periods and be considerate of other guests.
・If you are taking photos or videos for an extended period, our staff may politely ask you to stop. In some cases, we may need to refuse permission for such activities.

【Notes for visitors participating in guided tours, attending events as a group, or for research studies】
・If you wish to visit SHUTL for any of the above purposes, please make an appointment in advance.
・Please be aware that if you visit without an appointment, we may not be able to accommodate you depending on the event or exhibition.



Launching Authentic Futures SHUTL

SHUTL is a gallery for exploring new ways of connecting tradition and modernity.


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